Fine Art Ocean Print

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focusmax T006

Fine Art in High End Quality

Every fine art print is produced in high end quality. Enjoy nature in unique quality! You can choose between different materials.

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High End Auflösung, Schärfe und Kontrast

Unsere Fotografien werden mit hochauflösenden digitalen Mittelformatsystemen angefertigt. Viele Aufnahmen sind mit einer aufwendigen Spezialtechnik aufgenommen und verfügen über einen kompletten Schärfentiefenraum. Dieser gibt die Landschaft vom vordersten Stein bis zum Horizont in maximaler Schärfe und Auflösung wieder. Das ermöglicht ein einzigartiges Raumgefühl und ein Hineingleiten in die Natur. Diese Fine Art Prints sind mit dem Kürzel focusMAX gekennzeichnet.

For more information of the different versions, please click here

Health & Well-being

Being active in nature has the biggest positive impact for your health & well-being. But many scientific studies show that the image of nature has a significant influence on a better state of health, too. Here are some excerpts from studies and the sources:

According to Dr. Roger S. Ulrich (Ph.D.), even unspectacular natural scenes have a positive effect on the mood of their viewers. Above all, pictures of beautiful natural landscapes have a calming and relaxing effect (Ulrich 1979 after Knopf 1987, Saum-Aldehoff 1993, Gebhard 1994). Using slide series, Dr. Ulrich (in environment and behavior 1981, p. 523) found that beautiful landscape scenes can lower pulse and blood pressure and, according to EEG measurements, amplify alpha waves in human brains, which are known to provide an increased level of relaxation and balance signal (after button 1987, Saum-Aldehoff 1993, Gebhard 1994).

(Study quotes courtesy of Dr. Rainer Brämer /

The psychological and physical effects of green sceneries indicate stress reduction, even if only by looking through a window, looking at slides or posters. (Jean Marie Cackowski / Jack L. Nasar 2003)

Prof. Dr. Roger S. Ulrich (1979) found 30 years ago that even unspectacular natural scenes have a positive effect on the mood of their viewers. While urban sceneries tend to intensify negative emotions, nature images reduce stress, feelings of fear and induce friendly feelings. (after Knopf 1987, Saum-Aldehoff 1993, Gebhard 1994).

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Professional Despatch

Our fine art prints are delivered between 5 - max. 14 working days (depending of the location) after receipt of the order. We ship directly to you from the laboratory. The special art packaging guarantees safe transport of your print, whether already laminated and framed or rolled.
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